Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reflection #3

Title of Short Story: All Summer in a Day

Author: Ray Bradbury

1. Who is the protagonist? What is their want or desire? What are some character traits that are important to note about this protagonist?

There is no clear protagonist in this story but we do get a sense of what the whole class's desire is which is to see the sun and enjoy the warmth it provides. The class is a kindergarten class and they live on a planet that it is always raining therefore the sun is something they rarely see on their planet.

2. Is there an antagonist? If so, what are they trying to stop the protagonist from achieving and why? If there is not an antagonist, what is the conflict for the protagonist and what force is stopping them?

The rain seems to be the antagonist since it comes between the children and their hopes to see the sun. The children in the end don't get to fully enjoy the sun due to the fact that the rain comes back.

3. What is the theme of the story? Which techniques are used in order to develop the message within this story?

The theme is that of anticipation or excitement. The children are impatient to see the sun and are so exited when they finally get to see it but in the end there is a feeling of disappointment since the time they go to enjoy it was so short. The Author uses a lot of symbolism to describe how exactly the children were behaving. He also uses symbolism to help the reader relate to the children even though it is something the reader would usually not relate to.

4. What is the author’s tone within the story? Which techniques help develop the author’s voice?

The tone of this story is dark even though it seems like a happy story the children do exclude one girl from feeling what summer is, they call their teacher a liar, and the whole thing is gloomy. The fact that the children only get to experience summer in only one day is sad. Bradbury develops this by describing how important the summer was to the kids and how disappointed they were at the end.

5. What is the crisis action in this story? Does the protagonist achieve in getting what they want? What to they realize and how do they change?

The crisis action in this story is when they realize that they left the little girl in the closet and she didn't get to experience summer. Most of the protagonist get to see the sun which is what they wanted but they realize they were wrong about it being a myth.

6. What did you enjoy about this story? (Be specific….point out specific quotes and techniques to support your answer.) 

The best part of this story was what we covered in class which was metaphors. This is a great example on how to use metaphors without it turning into a cliche, and specially if you want to describe something that is not well known by other people which is why it works in science fiction. 

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